Re: references to the journals and books showing that

john queen (
Wed, 11 Jun 1997 18:25:24 -0500

>Date: Wed, 11 Jun 1997 18:24:44 -0500
>To: (Glenn Morton)
>From: john queen <>
>Subject: Re: references to the journals and books showing that evolution
has not occured
>In-Reply-To: <>
>---I am reffering to information that is conclusive, recorded history.
>At 06:06 PM 6/11/97 -0500, you wrote:
>>At 02:53 PM 6/11/97 -0600, john w queen ii wrote:
>>> The University of Texas at Austin hosts one of the largest
>>>libraries in the south(USA). It's current holdings are estimated to be at
>>>7 million volumes. Among these are extensive historical holdings. Out of
>>>all of these books history shows that humans and animals have not evolved.
>>>Some people are short, some tall, some wide and some have different size
>>>noses. But as far as history can reach back there is no evidence of
>>>evolution. A dog is still a dog and a cat is still a cat. Humans are
>>>still humans.
>>Are Neanderthal, Homo erectus and Homo habilis, human?
>>Foundation, Fall and Flood