Re: The Darwin Fish

Pim van Meurs (
Tue, 10 Jun 1997 17:21:17 -0400

>JQ: ----Isn't this the truth? What are the mechanisms of evolution?
>Random genetic mutations? All I've heard discussed since subscribing to

>Actually random genetic mutations and natural selection

>JQ: Evolution has a long way to go before it can be truely called a
>theory. There is almost no science to talk about when it comes to
>describing how ape to man evolution may have occured.

>1) Evolution is not just ape-man 2) evolution does not claim evolution
>from ape-man, it just postulates a common ancestor for apes and man.

JQ: ----- Reguardless of the claims, the underlying mechanisms are not

First of all I tried to correct some of your errors, second of all are you
suggesting that the random genetic mutations and/or natural selection do
not happen ?
