1) Perhaps. People have certainly done more irrational things.
2) Maybe they really believed that there *was* a resurrection. Jesus seemed
like a fairly intelligent guy; I don't find it hard to believe that he
could have either tricked them into thinking that they saw a resurrection,
or simply convinced them that he was resurrected.
3) Perhaps they were afraid that they would be killed if their lie was exposed.
>This is an unreasonable supposition. Or maybe I'm missing something. What was
>the motive for all of them to lie, IYO?
Fear of the reactions of the people who had been lied to.
><<Coincidence cannot be used to show the supernatural part of the gospel
>merely the historical nature of the account.>>
>But if you have reliable, historical testimony of the miraculous, why do you
>reject it?
We don't have such testimony.
| Russell Stewart |
| http://www.rt66.com/diamond/ |
| Albuquerque, New Mexico | diamond@rt66.com |
2 + 2 = 5, for very large values of 2.