I have shown this several times. It's a simple argument, so I'll review
it here:
Christian morality rests on the a-priori assumption that God exists,
and that He wants us to behave in a certain way (for example, love one
another). However, since there is no objective logical evidence for
God's existence, much less His motivations, one can develop a transcendent
Christian standard that claims just about anything -- the inferiority of
non-whites, His desire for "Good Christians" to kill homosexuals, abortion
doctors, communists, Muslims, Jews, or whatever else.
> If you didn't like the previous questions, we'll try some others.
> Ask yourself the question: Is rape wrong? Is it wrong just for
> you, or wrong also for Billy down the street, the crusaders, Ted
> Bundy, and you? Not just, "is it socially deviant?" Picking your
> nose might be socially deviant. Not, "is it socially
> unacceptable?" Not, "do most people think its wrong?" Is it wrong.
> Yes or no.
Yes, it's wrong.
>The answer logically consistent with materialism is
> "no," because right and wrong are absolute non-material moral
> categories that *do not even exist* if matter, time, space and energy
> (or any other material construct) are the sum total of reality.
Wrong. Just because they are the result of biochemical processes doesn't
make them any less real or any less important.
[Character attacks removed.]
| Russell Stewart |
| http://www.rt66.com/diamond/ |
| Albuquerque, New Mexico | diamond@rt66.com |
If Rush is Right, then I'll take what's Left.