Re: ICR and its slurs

Brian D Harper (
Mon, 02 Jun 1997 12:19:22 -0400

At 10:38 AM 6/2/97 -0400, Bill Hamilton wrote:

>>Sure, they all believed that murder was wrong, but it was always a question
>>of what constituted murder. Is killing a Muslim murder? The Crusaders didn't
>>think so. What about a Jew? Or a "witch"? Or a Jew? Or an atheist?
>>has shown no more moral cohesion than any other system of morality, and that
>>is strongly indicative that there really isn't anything truly objective or
>>transcendent about it.
>The fact that an individual is -- or claims to be -- a Christian, doesn't
>guarantee that he will practice Christian morality 100% of the time. The
>consequences vary from unfortunate to tragic -- I'm not trying to make
>light of it. But Christianity can be misapplied, as can other
>religious/philosophical systems, including yours.

In fairness to Russell I would like to point out that Russell has
shown an admirable restraint in *not* applying the logic to
Christianity which has been applied to his own position. In fact,
Bill's last sentence has been a point Russell has been trying
to get across over and over.

Brian Harper
Associate Professor
Applied Mechanics
The Ohio State University

"God forbid that we should give out a dream of
our own imagination for a pattern of the world"
-- Francis Bacon