<<Is an individual inability to empathize and feel sympathy really a
materialist philosophy? Empathy and sympathy are human emotions that
while innate, are amplified by nurture and modeling. I don't believe
that materialism and these things are mutually exclusive.
Just the humble opinion of an undergrad lurker, no flames please :)>>
A very good question, Kimberly, and your humility in asking is most
refreshing! My opinion of Arizona has just gone up (it went up before, when my
neice got accepted to AU. Please don't hold that against me!)
Anyway, in this debate no one has claimed that materialism and ethics are
"mutually exclusive." Indeed, some materialists lead better lives than some
who claim religion. The point, however, is that materialism leads one into the
inescapable prison of subjectivity in ethics. No objective morality is
available, and thus someone of an opposite moral view can make as compelling a
case for his side.
The gang member I referred to made a coherent case for killing a two-year-old
child. Indeed, a compelling case. For materialism, when followed to its
logical end, leads to despair. The gang member was saving the child from that
despair, in his view.
I wish you well, though I cannot say the same for the Sun Devils.