Re: Creationism's 'bad rap'

Russell T. Cannon (
Fri, 16 May 1997 18:05:11 -0500

I said...

> I resently saw a children's video that
> was made by a famous American minister,
> who I will not name, that was
> endeavoring to "teach" children about
> the "errors" of evolution.

Glenn replied...

> Why not name the film....If a minister
> is way out of his field, and is saying
> false things, then that needs to be
> pointed out. If you don't point the
> error out to the minister, he has no
> chance of changing either.

To which I replied...

> It would be pointless to expose his error
> to him because he would absolutely reject
> it.

Oliver then challenged me...

> I think this totally incorrect. We owe
> the truth to our brothers in Christ. I
> am surprised how OECs can constantly
> complain that YECs aren't honest about
> the data when it isn't pointed out to
> them.

I never shy away from what I believe to be the truth when interracting
with my Christian brothers. I teach a bible study at my office in which
my OEC views are well known and understood. Not everyone agrees, of
course, but everyone knows what I believe--I have not hidden it.

I do not seek out controversy, but I do not avoid it when it arises. I
say what I believe and defend my position when it is appropriate. If I
believe speaking out will do more harm than good, then I will grit my
teeth and keep silence.

This circumstance occurred in our Messianic Synagogue some weeks ago.
Our rabbi began teaching on creation from a YEC perspective and everyone
jumped in with all of the worst YEC arguments against an old earth--like
many others, they felt that an old earth meant no supernatural creation.
I did not speak up then because it would have only created strife and
division--it was one of the hardest things I ever had to do. I knew the
L-rd was telling me to keep silence--not because I was wrong and they
were right, but because there would have been nothing positive to come
out of a debate on the subject at that time. Since then, I have spoken
with my rabbi and a few others to begin the process of introducing other
ideas. A time will come when I will have the chance to speak before

I will not cause division in the Church even if it means swallowing my
pride and leaving some things unsaid.

May the L-rd richly bless you and keep you.

Russell T. Cannon