I said...
> The doctrines that were cooked up to
> "defend against Darwinian heresy" have
> done more harm than good since then.
You asked...
> Which doctrines do you think of? And
> what harm have they done? I cannot
> think of any.
Young Earth Creationism and the Global Flood are the two I'm thinking
of. To support them, several bizarre theories have been advanced:
appearance of age, flood geology, and moon dust to name a few. YEC and
GF are not the only doctrinal inferrences that can be drawn from
scripture, but the theories that have been used to support these
doctrines have been presented in such a way as to make those doctrines
the only ones that will be officially accepted.
My own experience is enough to demonstrate the sacredness of these
doctrines. I cannot talk about these things among most of my Christian
friends because they feel that I've compromised to the evolutionists.
If I say anything, I am barraged with the arguments about moon dust and
changes in the speed of light. I can easily refute every argument that
they make, but not to the end of convincing them--they are only
silenced. This leads to resentment and division. Unity is more
important than doctrinal precision, so I leave off talking about these
things. (Even my friends who will talk on this subject instinctively
know where and among whom we must not say anything--the old Gallileo
Russell T. Cannon