Will the real ID theory please stand?

Sat, 10 May 1997 13:01:47 EST5EDT

I commend Del Ratzsch and David Tyler for their generous readings of Mike
Behe's concept of "Intelligent Design." However, given what Behe has written,
I do not see a way to avoid the identification of ID with the concept of
imposing form by an extranatural act in which some specific structure is
assembled from subunits that are themselves incapable of achieving that
structure by the employment of their own dynamic capabilities.

Perhaps if Behe and others in the ID camp would make their theological vision
of divine action more explicit we could avoid misunderstandings. I believe
that I have given them ample opportunity to do so, but I am still waiting for
that vision to be articulated.

(I will be out of the country for the next two weeks.)

Howard Van Till