On Tue, 8 Apr 1997 12:14:46 -0400, John W. Burgeson wrote:
JWB>Steve Jones asked about a reference to J. I. Packer's comments on
>"Knowing God." I had mentioned that Packer had said (paraphrased)
>that "knowing God" was a lot more important than "knowing about
I agreed with the basic thought that "knowing God" was a lot more
important than "knowing about God", but I disagreed with the
implication that Packer would say that "knowing about God" was
therefore unimportant. Here is what I actually said:
On Mon, 07 Apr 97 21:37:46 +0800, Stephen Jones wrote:
>JWB>As J. I. Packer writes, in KNOWING GOD, "Knowing God is
>important; knowing about him much less important." (paraphrase)
SJ>This is of course true, although I am not sure that Packer put it
>exactly in this way. Perhaps you could quote *exactly* what he
>said, or at least the page reference where he said it. But it could
>be distorted (as it usually is in our anti-intellectual age) into
>"knowing about him" is not "important" at all. Since Packer is (or
>was) Professor of Historical and Systematic Theology at Regent
>College, Vancouver, I doubt if he would agree with this.
>Elsewhere Packer makes it quite clear that he regards evolutionary
>thinking as the historical enemy of Biblical Christianity:
JWB>I checked my daughter's copy of Packer's KNOWING GOD at her place
>this evening -- the concept is pervasive throughout that book and is
>discussed in some detail around page 34 or so.
Agreed. But even on page 34 Packer indicates that the main way to
know God is through the Bible:
"What happens is that the almighty Creator, the Lord of hosts, the
great God before whom the nations are as a drop in a bucket, comes to
him and begins to talk to him, through the words and truths of Holy
Scripture. Perhaps he has been acquainted with the Bible and
Christian truth for many years, and it has meant nothing to him; but
one day he wakes up to the fact that God is actually speaking to
him-him !-through the biblical message" (Packer J.I., "Knowing God",
1975, p34).
The next page Packer summarises what knowing God involves, and
reading the Bible is top of the list:
"What, then, does the activity of knowing God involve? Holding
together the various elements involved in this relationship, as we
have sketched it out, we must say that knowing God involves, first,
listening to God's word and receiving it as the Holy Spirit
interprets it, in application to oneself; second, noting God's nature
and character, as His word and works reveal it; third, accepting His
invitations, and doing what He commands; fourth, recognising, and
rejoicing in, the love that He has shown in thus approaching one and
drawing one into this divine fellowship." (Packer J.I., "Knowing
God", 1975, p35)
JWB>I have a friend, Tim, who knows God probably better than I do,
>yet I am quite sure I know more about God than he does. Tim, you
>see, is a 32 year old guy with Downs syndrome.
This might well be so.
JWB>Packer argues that "Knowing God" means establishing a
>relationship with Him -- or, rather, accepting from Him the
>relationship he is always ready to offer. This is important.
>"Knowing about God" may be done by any intelligent person -- it, in
>itself, does not guarantee that this relationship is established.
Agreed. But you have completely ignored my point that "it could be
distorted (as it usually is in our anti-intellectual age) into
`knowing about him' is not `important' at all."
I really don't want to continue with this thread for two reasons: 1.
it has little to do with Creation/Evolution; 2. I agree with your
main point that knowing God is more important than knowing about God;
and 3. my point that knowing about God is important too could easily
be misconstrued.
JWB>Packer's book is recommended.
God bless.
| Stephen E (Steve) Jones ,--_|\ sejones@ibm.net |
| 3 Hawker Avenue / Oz \ Steve.Jones@health.wa.gov.au |
| Warwick 6024 ->*_,--\_/ Phone +61 9 448 7439 (These are |
| Perth, West Australia v my opinions, not my employer's) |