[Fwd: Still here]

Jeff Wyant (wyant@mail.bright.net)
Wed, 12 Mar 1997 03:23:23 -0800

Message-ID: <3325769A.4F8F@bright.net>
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 1997 07:13:30 -0800
From: Jeff Wyant <wyant@bright.net>
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To: evolution@ursa.calvin.edu
Subject: Still here
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I tried signing off like I was suggested and here is what I got:

>>>> unsubscribe evolution@ursa.calvin.edu
**** unsubscribe: 'Jeff Wyant <wyant@mail.bright.net>' is not a member
of list 'evolution@ursa.calvin.edu'.

Can I have some more hints on how I can sign off?

Also I have kept up on the discussion about my last message on no
transitional forms in the fossil record.I have to admit I was suprised
at the amount of discussion my note created. I've also done a little
searching on my own about Archaeopteryx. The informtion ranged from it
proves evolution without a doubt, to the feathers on the fossil have
cement on them and are probably fake. I guess my own conclusion is that
although it is a unique find I don't see it as a transitional form. My
personal idea of a transitional form is one that is half way between the
old form and a new form. (ie. Some feathers and some scales). This
fossil (if evolving) has completed the change and is not in the middle
of it.

If you'd like another of my overheard statements read on. My
understanding of the evolution theory (though limited) says that there
were chemicals floating around in a soup and eventually formed an amino
acid. The first amino acid. From this amino acid all life finally
evolved. Also important to this point is statistics. Scientist use
statistics to determine how possible it is that an event would happen to
decide if it would ever happen. They have come to the conclusion that if
the chance of something happening is too great it will never happen.
This is some number that I don't have. Also scientist have calculated
the chance of the correct chemicals coming together under the correct
conditions to form an amino acid. This chance is way slimmer than the
value calculated to be to slim to ever happen. Basically the chance of
an amino acid forming on it's own is so small that it could never