[Fwd: STN: Dispt's Note - You are there!]

John Tant, N4XAN (jtant@exis.net)
Wed, 19 Feb 1997 18:45:44 -0500

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For those of you not sure you're familiar with this, the event
referred to was the martyrdom of Nate Saint and Jim Elliot and three
of their co-workers in Ecuador. Jim Elliot is probably best known now
for his martyrdom and the comment he left behind in one of his journals
which said, "He is no fool if he would give the thing he cannot keep
to buy what he can never lose." His death, along with his 4 fellows,
stands in poignant testimony to those words.

This note will be rather long, because I'm sending part of one
STN note and the entirety of the other.

To the newsgroups: I know this is somewhat off topic, but this seems
to me to be a significant event. Please forgive if bothered by it.


-- ********************************************************************* John B. Tant, N4XAN  http://wwwp.exis.net/~jtant  jtant@exis.net **                                                                  **               Find out more about the Declaration!               **                   http://www.Declaration.net/                    **                                                                  **       The opinions I express are my own, not my employer's       **                  http://www.infi.net/~stonebdg                   *********************************************************************


Recall the the story where the five missionaries were speared todeath by members of a, then, violent tribe in Ecuador in 1956? Youremember that the tribal leader died on February 11, last week.

In the years following the killings, the tribe embraced the Christianfaith as the missionary widows remained with the vision of bringingthe Gospel to these people. God blessed that vision!

STN has made contact with the Mission Aviation Fellowship pilot, nowretired, who was called to replace Nate Saint in bringing Christ tothe Waorani Tribe in Ecuador. As those before him, this pilot alsodropped gifts of love to the tribe from his airplane. But this time,after the deaths of his forerunners. When others would run or seekrevenge, they brought uncommon love, the love of Christ andforgiveness.

This pilot has agreed to an interview for you and is now preparinganswers to the questions we have asked him. We are certain that youwill be touched by his first hand witness to this outreach. Standbyfor the text interview in the coming days.

This retired pilot had introduced himself to us [via email] many months ago, but we had tucked his name and address away and had forgotten it. At that time he had not told us *where* he had served with MAF.

About a week ago, we got mail from him again, this time mis-directedmail that he had intended to send to someone else, but sent to us byaccident. We wrote and told him his mail was mis-directed and were-aquainted ourselves with eachother.

When the story of the death the tribal chief came in, we wrote him toask him for some general MAF information. That is when he wrote backand told us that he was the one who replaced Nate Saint.

Praise God for mis-directed mail. Because of that, soon you will begetting a very personal accounting of that mission story. Watch yourmail!

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S P E E D T H E N E E D URGENT NEEDS NETWORK FOR CHRISTIAN MISSIONARIES With An Occasional Journey To All Saints Chapel DISPATCHER'S NOTE 20:49 -UTC 2/18/97_____________________________________________________


ECUADOR - MISSIONARY TELLS OF GUIQUITA'S DEATH_____________________________________________________


STN just got the original message that the missionary working withthe Waodani tribe in Ecuador wrote announcing Guiquita's death lastweek. Guiquita was the tribal leader who was involved in the spearingdeaths of 5 missionaires who sought to bring the Gospel to them in1956.

This is straight from the jungle, and we are grateful to a staffer atHCJB mission radio / Ecuador who gave it to us and granted uspermission to post to you. You will feel like "You are there...."

She writes...

"Just got back tonight under the wire... two planes with all the dental equipment, compresor, dentist and wife, me...

The main reason though for sending this msg to you is to let you know that Guiquita is gone....... Apparently Tuesday..... he said something to the effect that he'd lived long enough, he was going to heaven.... (some 80 years but then HE didn't know that!) They say he was grieving a lot for how the young ones now..... There are conflicting reports about why and how he died but with the hectic activities of attending to the dental needs of the living, I don't have an adeqauate report for you.

With the Dentist and the generators... it was hard to talk to the family members who had gone over to bury Guiquita. They were all totally exhausted upon their return.... A real sadness hung over the village......

Dica, his son, did tell me how he tried to treat Guiqita and as I understand it from other reports couldn't get any help to get him out for further medical attention.. There have been other reports but not confirmed yet. the important thing of course is that Guiquita IS with the Lord!

Pray especially for Quiquita's elderly wife and sister and his faithful son Dica who are grieving over the death and that Guiquita's other sons would get on the right trail.

Guess we won't see Guiquita written up in TIME magazine's "Milestones" section will we....? but something like this would be appropriate for the yellow sheet.

Died: Feb 11, 1997, Guiquita Waewae, 80 years of age, in Ecuador's Amazonian jungle.... Leader of the small band of Waodani who on Jan. 8, 1956 speared and killed 5 missionary men who were attempting to establish contact with them Guiquita later led his people to put aside a lifestyle of revengeful warfare and killings in which most men died a traumatic death long before reaching middle age. He set a model to abandon spearings and longed for his people to know the Lord and to be known not as Aucas (meaning 'savage', a word from the neighboring Quichua groups tagged on them for centuries) but rather by their own name, Waodani 'the people".

"Speeders", by reading this you are witnessing a historical event inthe life of world missions. To those who keep on going to the farreaches, our prayers go with you for such results as this!

(END OF DISPATCHER'S NOTE)___________________________________________________________

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