Re: The Poll

Glenn Morton (
Tue, 18 Feb 1997 20:02:15 -0600

At 10:07 PM 2/18/97 +0800, Stephen Jones wrote:
>On Wed, 12 Feb 1997 16:02:32 -0500, John W. Burgeson wrote:
>JB>I, for one, think the poll was a good idea. It allowed us an
>>opportunity to talk about how we use this very valuable resource.
>Except the person who it was about was not invited to the "talk"!


I hate to get invovled in this but you are sounding strange here. What did
you expect? Brian should give you a long distance call? e-mail was sent to
you. If you chose not to read it or download it that is YOUR decision not
Brian's. Please take responsibility for your own actions in this.


Foundation, Fall and Flood