Re: Static tools?

Jim Bell (
28 Jan 97 15:03:04 EST

It's a good thing I'm leaving because Glenn's objections have become static,
too. IMO, this usually happens at the end of our conversations. Of course, he
levels the same charges against me--that's how modern wars are born. Suffice
to say, in the spirit of peacekeeping, California can kick Texas's patoot

<<There is no synchroneity to your "explosion". The blade tools were made
much earlier; art is made much earlier; language is much earlier.>>

That's because, for you, almost ANYTHING is art, almost ANYTHING is a tool (or
a cape or a burial site), almost ANYTHING is language. This is sloppy
generalizing, and unhelpful in the extreme. You accept almost ANYTHING when it
comports with your theory, and NOTHING when it does not. Attempts to draw
distinctions are lost on you for this reason.

<<Almost all anthropologists say that Homo erectus could speak. His vocal
tract was exactly like ours.>>

This is simply wrong. The homo erectus tongue and larynx yielded only one
effective sound chamber, in contrast to modern mans dual chambers (mouth and
pharynx). The capacity for sounds was limited. Computer experiments have
confirmed that vowel sounds like a, i and u were IMPOSSIBLE for homo erectus.
Anyone can do a little research and find this all out. Glenn's statement is a
misstatement of fact.

<<Jim, I beg you to please get your facts correct. >>

Do you have the key to your glass house? Re-read the above section, drop those
stones and install a few mirrors.

<< But it isn't and I keep noting that you
are now refusing to even respond to my questions and points.>>

You dweeb nosed....sorry, let me take a deep breath. How you can write this
after I posted a SPECIFIC reply, containing not one but two answers, to your
last accusatory message is, well, beyond the comprehension of this poor, brain
damaged lawyer.

But I sure like this ploy. Let me try it:

Glenn, you never answer my questions. Never.


<<There is no synchroneity to your "explosion". >>

If you want to turn a blind eye to the record, that's your privilege.
Intractable faith in a theory of one's own imagining quite often results in
such cognitive cataracts. But if you want to poll "almost all anthropologists"
they will disagree with you. Read Leakey's The Origin of Humankind--the entire
book is a compendium of synchronism! For you, the record is one long, happy
evolutionary event, perfectly in keeping with the laws of nature. But for the
experts, the ones who know, it is an ENIGMA. That's why they use that word.
That's why they are not posting easy evolutionary answers all over they place.
They know they don't exist, except in certain flights of fancy.
