Re: They wish!

Dario Giraldo (
Fri, 24 Jan 1997 09:07:29 -0800 (PST)

On Fri, 24 Jan 1997, Brian D. Harper wrote:

> "... a useful idea that paved the way to other useful ideas".

Still after all of the research, publications, time and energy spent on
the question: where did all began and how it came to be, we find a very
complex, hightly sophisticated process and extremely fine tuned to believe
that it all happen by chance. If a Master Designer creates such a world,
why does He need evolutionary processes to come up with a better creature.

When my dear friend Steve came up with liver cancer and lost 30 pounds in
two weeks, many, including the phyisicians and experts, thought he'll be
dead in less than six months. Some of us thought different and went to
the Creator of life. In two months he had recovered all of his weight
plus some more and the cancer wasn't there anymore. No drugs, chemo or
radiation. Just a request for life.

So if this Creator have such power beyond our comprenhension and
understanding, why is it so difficult to accept he formed everything
without needing this trial and error process that we think is the only
way. 'As far as the heavens are from the earth so are my thoughts higher
than ways are not your ways...'.

Again, where are the half-mineral and half vegetable life forms ? Surely
after thousand of years we could find some fossil somewhere. How about
half-trees and half-worms. Since all life began in water, we should find
all kinds of remains of these creatures. But do we ?

Anyway, I believe we could go on for a thousand years trading thoughts
back and forth. You believe your process is the way it happened and I
believe that God said let it be done and it was so. And truly nothing we
say or do will change our way of thinking.

So I'll just drop this theme for now, but it has been a delightful

Best Regards,

Dario Giraldo
Lacey, Washington