Re: They wish!

Brian D. Harper (
Thu, 23 Jan 1997 22:55:50 -0500

At 04:11 PM 1/23/97 -0800, Dario Giraldo wrote:

>On Thu, 23 Jan 1997, Brian D. Harper wrote:
>> At 11:22 AM 1/23/97 EST, Jim Bell wrote:
>> >It's only a typo, I know, but it is too delicious to pass up. Dario wrote to
>> >Glenn, saying, "evolution theory is so full of wholes."
>> >
>> >Evolutionists WISH their theory was full of "wholes"!
>> >
>> and Theistic Realists wish THEY had a THEORY!
>Who needs theory when one has facts ? Besides a bad theory is worst than
>no theory.

I'll skip this since I think Steve gave a good answer already.

>> how does that taste ;-).


>> BTW,
>> "It is a !#%@ poor mind indeed that cannot think of at
>> least two ways to spell a word" -- Andrew Jackson
>> And I'll bet Mr. Potatoe head wishes he had remembered this
>> quote. :-) <<No, not Don Rickles (Toy Story), Dan Quayle>>
>The real potato head was the teacher that told Mr. Quayle that the word
>was misspelled. A little fact ignored by many.

If it makes you feel any better, Quayle is one of my favorite people.
[have you learned yet what :-) means?]

Here's something for you to think about a little. Above you give
a "little fact". This little fact is practically meaningless unless
interpreted in some more general context, i.e. according to
some "theory". For example, you may have a theory that the
media did not report this fact because it was trying to make
Quayle look like an idiot. But this can't be because if we have
facts we don't need theories, right?

>And I truly hope that Mr. Harper missed on the same spelling in purpose.
>God forbid we'll be doing the same mistake.

Yes, of course it was intentional.

"That's a joke, son" -- Yosemite Sam ;-)

Brian Harper
Associate Professor
Applied Mechanics
Ohio State University