Re: After Their Kind (was Basilosaurus)

Glenn Morton (
Tue, 07 Jan 1997 21:08:20

I wrote:
><<What version are you using? I don't find this statement "multiply AS FOWL"
>in any version I checked. [snip] If the preacher at your wedding had been
>crass enough to have said, "Let Jim
>and ___(enter your wife's name)___ multiply in the earth" Would you have
>thought that this meant that you and your wife were to turn out little clones
>of yourselves? Of course not. Why do we think that it means birds must turn
>out clones of themselves?>>
Jim said:

>My son is so much like me it's scary (and that should scare YOU, too!) But
>yes, when we had kids we were sure we weren't going to have toasters,or fish,
>but human beings. Guess what? We were right!
>God said, let fowl multiply. Not lizards. Not fish. Birdies still have little
>birdies. Is this a surpise to you? Clones are exactly what organisms produce.
>Not perfect clones, of course, but biological copies of themselves.
>Your kids, Glenn, do they have gills? I ask because, as you have said, you
>recently crawled up on land yourself.
>No? They don't? You mean you had little humans too? What implication do you
>draw from this?

Jim, you have forgotten what we were discussing. We were discussing what the
Bible says, not what type of offspring you and I have spawned. Please get
back to the issue.

Genesis 1:22 says in KJ version "Let fowl multiply in earth"

This says nothing about HOW fowl are to multiply. "fowl is the subject,
"multiply" is the verb. The sentence does not say

"Let fowl multiply AS FOWL in earth." To interpret it that way is adding 2
words to the scripture.

It also does not say

"Let fowl remain fowl"


"Fowl will always be fowl"


"Fowl can only change into other birds"

The issue was Where does it say in the bible that animals can only give rise
to animals exactly like them? I am not exactly like my parents and neither
are my kids exactly like me.

Christians are reading into these verses what their theology requires; they
are not reading what it says.


Foundation,Fall and Flood