Re: pure chance

Brian D. Harper (
Fri, 03 Jan 1997 00:41:58 -0500

One of our new reflectorites, Rick Becker, is having some trouble
getting used to the mechanics of sending stuff to the reflector.
We have been having an interesting private discussion on chaos
complexity fractals and whatnot. Rick asked if I would forward
to the group the following message originally sent to me. I think
Rick raises some very important questions worthy of discussion
by the group. I'll be giving my own reply shortly.

To provide a little context for Rick's message, the controversy
alluded to in the second sentence has to do with the definition
of complexity and more specifically whether things like fractals
are simple or complex.

Here's the message:

======== begin message from Rick ========

Thanks for the feedback. I had no idea that the topic was 'controversial'.
I knew that it was terribly important. I think that it represents part of
God's 'signature' in Creation, and impacts more and more systems as our
analytical abilities improve. This is high intellectual and spiritual
ground deserving concentrated work on the part of the Church to understand
and respond to it. My 24 year-old daughter gave me _The Tao of Chaos_ by
Katya Walter and asked me to tell her what I think about fractals as
mandalas and how the I-Ching mimics our RNA code. I know of a senior
research fellow at one of IBM's think tanks named Cliff Pickover who has
been following the fractal trail at a very high level for some time now, who
is about to publish a serious book linking complexity to the Caballa and
thence to knowledge of God. Shouldn't WE be doing something credible in
answer? Can anyone help me answer my daughter, or mount a response to
Pickover? If we as intelligent, critical-minded Christians don't come to
grips with the spiritual consequences in real life, of this issue, then we
are abdicating our responsibility as stewards of God's kingdom in an
important area.
Please show me that I have had my head in the sand too long by leading
me to others who recognized this long ago, and who have the issues worked
out so that I may understand too.
I'm still a little maladroit with e-mail. If this doesn't post to your
mirror, could you please put it up if you think it merits discussion?

May you have a blessed new year,

Rick Becker
Refractal Design, Inc. | voice: 508-777-5500 / fax: 508-777-6575
57 North Putnam St. | Internet:
Danvers, MA 01923 | Home page:
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