Re: flood date, ark compostions, etc
Sat, 28 Dec 1996 15:50:35 -0800

1. I still have Glen's questions to me concerning
my ideas on Noah's flood. I am waiting for
feedback on the ozone level in the lower and
upper atmospheres within the last 14,000
years but I will give a partial response
now. From the results of the analysis of
Antarctic ice core samples, I was told the Carbon
Dioxide level is currently the highest it's been
for the last 250,000 years. I was surprised to
hear that. The reason for the question about
ozone is that ozone in the upper atmosphere
seems to protect us from the harmful shortwave
radiation from the sun. While ozone in our
lower atmosphere where we breath it in, is
extremely harmful. It causes aging. Donald
Patten reported that the average radiologist
lives 7 years less than the average MD.
Donald Patten authored "Catastrophism and
the Old Testament."
He also said fish subjected to water ozygenated
with ozone showed a tranchient decay decline
in longevity such as one sees after the flood
for the listed patarichs. At a few parts per
billion ozone is highly toxic. Patten's idea
is that some ozone was carried down into our
lower atmosphere by an ice dump that occured
at the time of Noah's flood.
2. Glen wrote:
>Please explain. How can it not be global and not be
>local. This sounds like it was neither.
I think it was hemispherical.
A. I think as Mars
passed by the earth it caused tides in the magma
which caused the earth's crust closest to Mars to
flex. This caused many of the caves in Portugal,
Spain, France, and Italy to become blocked.
According to "Images of the Ice Age" by Paul G
Bahn page 56 many caves with drawing and
movable art made by man, were blocked around
10,000 B.C. to 12,000 B.C.
B. The ark may have started out in Turkey or Spain,
or Italy, etc. But I'm pretty sure it ended up
inside Turkey which is completely surrounded
by mountains. I think it took the water about
a year to drain out of the mountain openings
in Turkey. AT 6500 B.C. the oldest know town
is in Turkey.
C. Although the passing speed of Mars and earth
would have been around 135,000 mph the ccw spin
of the earth on an inside pass by Mars would
have greatly diminished the passing speed of
Mars on a particular spot on the earth. Mars
would have gone from a half a million miles
away to it's closest point to a half a million
miles distant within 7 hours. At it's current
spin rate, the closest spot on the equator
would have tended to follow Mars as it passed
by. In 7 hours that spot on the equator would
have traveled 7,000 miles.
D. If the moho is more oil like than glue like the
earth's crust may have disengaged from the mantle and
thus core of the earth. This would have allowed the
earth's crust to better (but not completely) follow
Mars as it passed by. USA Today Dec 20-22, 1996
page 3A under "Science Top 10:" listed the
discovery that the core of the earth spins quicker
than the crust of the earth. This would seem to
say that this part of Patten's idea is plausable.
3. Glen wrote:
> Please explain. What is an ice dump?
An ice dump is caused by a smaller icy satellite
getting within roche's limit of another planet.
The gravity of the larger planet pulls the smaller,
in this case icy satellite apart. In our case,
because of our protective Van Allen belts, it's
felt the ice would have descended, I think over
the magnetic North pole due to the Northern location
of the icy satellite. However, if the ozone level
hasn't changed at all then there probably wasn't
an ice dump. An ice dump would explain the river
beds on Mars. Roche's limit in action, explains
the asteroid belt, the rings around Saturn,
Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune. It also explains the
3000 plus craters on one side of Mars plus the
big bulge on the other side of the biggest crater.
4. Glen wrote:
> Please explain. How does an ice dump cause rain in
> Turkey?
Perhaps it didn't. I think the large amount of water
in Turkey caused the rain for the reasons you explain
for the rain in your theory on the flood and rain.
5. Glen wrote:
>Most authorities on the Quran believe that Jebel Judi,
>which is spoken of on those pages, is in Saudi Arabia.
I haven't been able to research that yet. However, I
believe we should examine the evidence. The object is
the correct size if the Egyptian cubit of 20.5 inches
is referenced. That is 515 feet long by 51.5 geet high
by 85.5 feet wide (according to it's volume).
If it isn't the ark, why are there a number of anchor, or
drogue stones with their variously sized and variously
angled curved holes in their tops nearby? One of the
drogue or capsized prevention stones weights around
20,000 pounds. What is the "gopher ets" or reed stalks
covering that has been sealed inside by a strong but light
cement like coating doing there? Why not use radiometric
dating methods to date these reed stalks? I would almost
give my two front teeth to get a radiocarbon date on
those reed stalks.
Wayne McKellips.