>On poor Rob, Glenn writes:
><<The score is 2 liked it, with reservations; 9 didn't. I think this
>qualifies as proving my point that Gargett's article was not well
> received.>>
>So it's scorekeeping for truth? What is the score for and against Morton
> these days?
So was I correct that his paper was not well received? I didn't think you
would say I was correct about anything. :-) I said his paper was not well
received and you refuse to acknowledge that the data agrees with what I said.
>Anyway, you've conveniently ignored numerous citations to Richard Leakey,
>Chris Stringer, Allan Wilson, et al. I'm still wondering what names you
> have for them.
Are you talking about this you quoted from Leakey?
>This same thought is echoed by Richard Leakey in The Origin of Humankind
>(1994) p.156:
>"Neanderthals, as I've suggested, and probably other archaic sapiens, did
>have an awareness of death and therefore undoubtedly a highly developed
>reflective consciousness. But was it of the same luminosity as we experience
>today? Probably not."
What data does he present in support of this statement? He gives an opinion.
If he had some kind of objective evidence to say this then what is it? Slave
holders thought the reflective consciousness of their slaves was not as highly
developed as theirs. Their opinion was wrong.
Sometimes I think your "reflective consciousness" is not of the same
luminosity as other humans experience either. :-)
Foundation,Fall and Flood