Re: How long must we wait?

Glenn Morton (
Fri, 13 Dec 1996 20:46:04

Of science and the Bible Randy Landrum wrote:

>I care about both. Can't one, for instance, like peanutbutter and jelly? I
>also care (like I am sure many others) about the dangers of the
>propagation of bad science or rather religion which really is not science
>but rather sticking a high brow label on a sow's ear. Some say it's
>creation other say it's evolution.

I too care about both. If the Bible is not historically true, then I have real
problems. But I cannot see how it is beneficial to advocate an interpretation
of the Bible which requires what I can see with my eyes to be false. This
forces me to choose between what I see or what I believe. To me it is a matter
of getting our facts straight. A case in point is Whitcomb's and Morris'
juvenile water argument for the age of the oceans.

You can find the argument in Genesis Flood pp.387-388

The argument goes as follows:

Paricutin a 1947 volcano was measured to have produced 1/1000 of a cubic mile
of "juvenile" water per year. Juvenile water is defined as water which has
never been on the earth's suface before. The Whitcomb and Morris say that
there are 400-500 active volcanoes on the continents. This means that 1/2
cubic miles of water is added to the earth each year. They then double the
amount and say that 1 cubic mile per year would be added. There were more
volcanoes in the past.

Now here come the conclusion, there are only 340 million cubic miles of water
on the earth's surface. Because of this the oceans could only be 340 million
years old, not the 3.4 billion year old value that geologists say.

Today we know that there are 1200 active volcanoes so let's update their
argument and say that 2.4 cubic miles of "juvenile" water are added each year.
This means that the oceans are no older than 141 million years old.

This sounds so good but it is highly flawed for two reasons. First, most
people don't know what an active volcano is. An active volcano is any volcano
that has erupted in historical times. The term active volcano is opposed to
the term extinct volcano which is one that has not erupted for a long, long

Now if you go to a journal like the bulletin of volcanology, you will find
that only about 40 volcanoes a year are actually erupting An active volcano
is NOT an erupting volcano. There are 20-30 active volcanoes in California,
but there is not a single erupting volcano there. Volcanoes that are not
erupting, cannot be adding "juvenile" water to the earth's surface.

If each of the 40 actually erupting volcanoes adds 2/1000 cubic mile of water
to the earth's surface each year, then it would take 4.25 billion, yes hat is
BILLION years to fill up the oceans.

This was not a deception on the part of Morris, because he did not know what
an active volcano is. But they didn't take the trouble to find out.

Can the Bible and science be like, as you say, peanut butter and jelly? I
believe so, but not with the traditional interpretation.


Foundation,Fall and Flood