Re: You can't trade with a chimp

Glenn Morton (
Fri, 13 Dec 1996 00:14:55

Jim writes:
>Glenn writes:
><<And, even if it was traded for, that does not make them non-human. You
>can't trade with a chimp.>>
>Not only CAN you trade with a chimp, you can teach a chimp to paint, play
>musical instruments and in many other ways imitate humans. Didn't you ever
>watch Ed Sullivan, for goodness sake?

Wow, there must be a higher class of chimpanzee out there in California. Is
that why the the rest of the country thinks California is wierd?

And not only that, think what a circus could do with trained Neanderthals.
Where is P.T. Barnum now?
>And, of course, the nature of Neanderthals, since they are not our ancestors,
>is still to be determined. But whatever they were,they were not homo divinus.
>They had no shaman art, no sense of intermediacy with the divine and nature,
>no progress, no nothin'. Just trinkets picked up from Moderns.

They buried their dead with grave offerings. They cared for a sick
individual, the Old man of Shanidar, and then buried flowers with him when he
died. Yeah, I know what you mean Jim, My cat is old now and goes to lots of
funerals with and for her feline buddies. They have a group which takes turns
bringing food to the sick cats in the neighborhood. It really is a sight to
behold. They call themselves "Meals on Paws"
>Interesting guys, but not human.

Yeah, how could anyone think that a being who buries their dead and cares for
their sick, makes jewelry, makes fire, mines for flint and makes for flute
might be human. How silly of me. I don't know what I was thinking.

Foundation,Fall and Flood