Re: Selective Quoting

Glenn Morton (
Thu, 12 Dec 1996 18:53:09

Jim, getting a little excited, says(first quoting me):

><<I chose to cease quotation where I did because Hugh Ross has an
>>elipsis there. I do not know where Hugh gets his quotation of Tattersall
>>from and do not know if only one word or 10 paragraphs intervene in the
>>quotation ellipsis. I do not know if it was Tattersall who said the part
>>after the elipsis. I have seen elipses hide many a sin so I chose to quote
>>exactly what I could be sure went together. If Hugh had quoted in full,
>>then I would have also.>>
>Wait a cotten pickin' minute here. YOU choose to pick up a quote from an
>article and YOU get to select WHICH portions of that quote you are going to
>trust, conveniently leaving out the part that turns your contention on its
>head, merely because YOU don't know what might be in between? So even
> though
>the full quote might very well be accurate, you choose to ignore that
>possibility and assume it is not, stop wherever you like, and declare
>Tattersall has "thrown in the towel"!

Have you heard of O-X-Y-M-O-R-O-N? A quote CANNOT be accurate if there is an
ellipsis. Sorry, you lose, next issue.

>Glenn! What brew are you sipping out there?

Its my Grandmothers Home Remedy. (TM) :-)


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