Re: Fw: The Mere Creation Discussion

Jim Bell (70672.1241@CompuServe.COM)
04 Dec 96 10:44:15 EST

I wrote:

JB <<The ID argument is not "wait and see." It is "SEE! Now what's the most
reasonable explanation?"

Glenn responds:

<<Why would you say that it is a SEE (which in context is a KNOW) argument to
me and that it is not a SEE (KNOW) argument to Terry? Bad form Jim.>>

I wouldn't, and if you really care about context, you can SEE it in my
statement. I ask you, as I asked Terry, what is REASONABLE? SEE means "see"
(look it up in the dictionary). Then I ask about reasonable inferences, what
you draw from what you see. (Say, wasn't it Glenn Morton who once wrote "I
cannot deny what my eyes see?" Who is being inconsistent?)

Hmm, questionable semantics when the going gets tough...bad form indeed.
