>At 12:01 AM 11/28/96, Glenn Morton wrote:
>>I can't speak for anyone but myself, but I believe that God is a good enough
>>designer to design a system that required little tinkering with after wards.
>I could agree with this so long as _required_ is emphasized. I do believe
>God is actively overseeing everything that goes on in the world, and is
>actively engaged with whatever processes in nature or society He chooses to
>be engaged with. But His activity is that of directing a finely tuned,
>robust machine (nature) to achieve His objectives, not patching it up so it
>will keep working.
>>This view makes God at least as good as a GM engineer.
>I hope He's many orders of magnitude better.
I want everyone to understand that I do believe in God's sustaining activity
for the world. But that is not the same thing as God being unable to create a
world which can then act upon Gods commands to produce what He wants to have
in it. God tells me to worship him. When I decide to worship Him it was not
God who performed that activity; it was me. If God is capable of creating a
being which can fulfill God's commands, why is He unable to create a Nature
which is unable to do the same? Good design in an automobile means that Bill
doesn't have to go out the factory door attached to some vehicle to ensure
that the car gets from our house to Grandma's house this weekend. So why do we
think God's design, the universe, is so poorly planned out that He must
constantly make adjustments to it to keep it on course? Isn't He God?
Foundation,Fall and Flood