Re: Science vs Science?

Randy Landrum (
Wed, 20 Nov 1996 14:17:26 -0800 (PST)

On Wed, 20 Nov 1996, Arthur V. Chadwick wrote:
> They are however huge scale evidence for catastrophism, a fact largely
> overlooked by those who would stand to gain the most from this evidence!
> Art

Art have you seen the tape about Mount St. Helens and its adjacent Spirit
Lake? Geologist Steve Austin shows how canyons and rock layers that were
formed in a short time i.e. catastrophism. He shows geologic structures
fromes rapidly (strata, canyons, log deposits, etc.).

Mount St. Helens really is one of the most extraordinary geologic events
of the Twentieth Century.

`,_` ./.~`-,. "Throughout the hundreds of millions
=,` / 'i '~+=,_ of years the coelacanths have kept
v. . !-. = __. ~\=. the same form and structure. Here is
` ,_. , i`,_'\.- ~e_ one of the great mysteries of evolution"
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