> Although impossible, it also would be interesting to see how those
> scientists included in the above list who lived before Darwin (or those like
> Mendel, who lived around the same time as Darwin, but perhapshad little
> knowledge of him), would deal with evolution science today.
Gregor Mendel, known as the discoverer of genetics. With his work
in dealing with various plants he discovered the views of the
genetic trates of all creatures and plants and animals etc. But
He was often scorned in his day because he did not believe in
evolution. He believed that there was a fixity to these things
and that the laws of genetics made evolution impossible. In fact
so antethitical to evolution are the teachings of Mendelian Genetics
that for many many years they were outlawed in the Soviet Union,
you could not teach genetics in the Soviet Union, you could not
teach the great discoveries that Mendel made.
"The foundation for modern science can be said to have been laid at Oxford
when scholars there attacked Thomas Aquinas's teaching by proving that his
chief authority, Aristotle, made certain mistakes about natural
phenomena... When the Roman Church attacked Copernicus and Galileo
(1564-1642), it was not because their teaching actually contained anything
contrary to the Bible. The church authorities thought it did, but that was
because Aristotelian elements had become part of church orthodoxy, and
Galileo's notions clearly conflicted with them. In fact, Galileo defended
the compatibility of Copernicus and the Bible, and this was one of the
factors which brought about his trial."
Francis Schaeffer, "How Should We Then Live?" p131
In recent years, the Roman Catholic Church issued a public apology for its
censure of Galileo, and the pope affirmed the important place of science
in our lives.
`,_` ./.~`-,. "Throughout the hundreds of millions
=,` / 'i '~+=,_ of years the coelacanths have kept
v. . !-. = __. ~\=. the same form and structure. Here is
` ,_. , i`,_'\.- ~e_ one of the great mysteries of evolution"
' -.-,s @@Wi[ ,z,c \\.
.Y/ ,_-8!s/*fi! '',_\,!@m[ Jacques Millot, "The Coelacanth"
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!-! ! ,./,@b- -WW/b@mW~msm! ~ B.A. Brooks Institute
P-' , ' ~_dA~~M@WD*fV\]bA@@f ~ US Coordinator FaithNet 700:1000/0.0
e..! ,,!A`im/ - .*NW@@@Wf ~ randyl@efn.org
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