> This is also why Randy's claim that all evil in the world since
> Darwin can be attributed to evolution, is a similar abuse of what evolution
> science can and cannot do.
The only abuse here is your misquoting. At no time did I make the above
statment nor do I believe it.
I will say however, and you can check this out, that Charles Darwin gave
his book, The Origin of Species by Natural Selection, the provocative
subtitle "The Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life."
As a matter of fact, he made his convictions on the subject quite clear in
a well-known excerpt from one of his published letters, in which he wrote:
"The more civilized so-called Caucasian races have beaten the Turkish
hollow in the struggle for existence. Looking to the world at no very
distant date, what an endless number of the lower races will have been
eliminated by the higher civilized races throughout the world."
-Letter from Charles Darwin to W. Graham July 3,1881
Jesus Christ never did condone racism Darwin did! Your example of the
racism in evolution being compaired to Christianity in not valid.
`,_` ./.~`-,. "Throughout the hundreds of millions
=,` / 'i '~+=,_ of years the coelacanths have kept
v. . !-. = __. ~\=. the same form and structure. Here is
` ,_. , i`,_'\.- ~e_ one of the great mysteries of evolution"
' -.-,s @@Wi[ ,z,c \\.
.Y/ ,_-8!s/*fi! '',_\,!@m[ Jacques Millot, "The Coelacanth"
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-=`-(- ',,`! Wf+i dMTf~~Y**f[ ~ Randy Landrum
!-! ! ,./,@b- -WW/b@mW~msm! ~ B.A. Brooks Institute
P-' , ' ~_dA~~M@WD*fV\]bA@@f ~ US Coordinator FaithNet 700:1000/0.0
e..! ,,!A`im/ - .*NW@@@Wf ~ randyl@efn.org
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