Mike Springer (
Mon, 11 Nov 1996 10:35:54 -0600Need I remind everyone that evolution discussions on better or worse are
very time dependent. Characteristics of eyes or anything else can only be
deemed better for a short time. Most certainly at some point in history
any design may have been temporarily better than another. Allow me to
quote a non-scientific source who said..." every baby born is mother
nature's attempt at perfection" I believe that, but as our world changes
the perfect creature must change.
I think anyone who has spent time with animals would know that most of them
have much more acute eyesight than humans but lets remember that our
ability to communicate by the written word is a huge part of our success as
a species. Our eyes are certainly "good" at reading. Discussions of
good or bad with regards to evolution would require knowing what the future
Michael P. Springer