Re: Mammalian eyes...

Mike L Anderson (
Fri, 8 Nov 1996 20:48:38 +0000

There are several indications (other than the ones Nicholas Matzke
mentioned) that mammalian eyes are less than perfect - that I know
about. Most mammals cannot see colour. The humble goldfish can see
across a wider range of the visible spectrum than any mammal
including us. Many insects have multiple visual pigments.

Furthermore, in some respects some molluscs have eyes better
designed than vertebrates. In vertebrates light passes through the
neural retina before reaching the photoreceptors. This must lower
the quality of the image. The other consequence is a blind-spot
where the nerve fibres leave the eye. The octopus does not have this

I concur with Nicholas. These sorts of facts are difficult for PC's
but not TE's.

Mike L Anderson
Christian Academic Network
78 Balfour Road, Rondebosch, 7700