Re: design: purposeful or random?

Glenn Morton (
Tue, 08 Oct 1996 21:46:38

Hi Art,

You wrote:

>>Christians should be aware that design via evolution is a coming field.
>Yes, it will be when the process takes place without computers and software
>engineers. I know of no analog in naturalistic molecular evolutionary
>scenarios for the engineer who built the computer, designed the operating
>system, and developed the software to do the "evolving".

I agree that there is no NATURALISTIC analogy for the engineer in this
situation. The engineer designed the computer and the initial software. The
engineer created an environment in which software evolution could occur. But
to reject this scenario for the universe ignores an important fact.

There is a SUPERNATURALISTIC analogy to the engineer and that is God. Why is
it not considered design if God creates the universe with the ability for life
to form hardwired into it? Why must God violate the rules of the universe
(which He set up) in order to create life (which He foreknew he would do)?
Does this mean that God obviously failed to plan for that eventuality when He
initially created the whole universe? Does not that view make life one of
God's AFTER THOUGHTS rather than God's purpose for this universe? I prefer to
believe that life is here because God wanted life to be here from the

Foundation,Fall and Flood