My review of Woodmorappes book

Glenn Morton (
Mon, 07 Oct 1996 22:50:40

I have been informed by two people that Woodmorappe has a rebuttal to my
review published on the web at

I thought that in fairness to John, it should be publisized to this group. My
original can be found at the web page below or in the evolution archives.
John references the arcives from his refutation.

The only thing I would like to say about it is that I have NOT had any contact
with John of any sort since 1986 where we met, and spoke for a few minutes at
the first ICC. John had a mutual friend buy the book, so he did not have any
contact with me even at that time. And we have had no e-mail exchanges ever
(I do not know his e-mail address), nor letter exchanges in over 10 years (I
do not know his home address.) Since I do know his real name, I know I have
not corresponded with him unknowingly, unless he has a second Nom de Plume.

The reason I bring this up is that he indicates on his reply that he has
contacted me. He hasn't.


Foundation,Fall and Flood