Re: The overwhelming Silence.

Stephen Gooch (
Sat, 28 Sep 1996 21:37:26 -0400

Beck>Are evidence and data restricted to scientific findings? Does not faith
Beck>rest on the fact of the resurrection witnessed by at least three hundred
Beck>witnesses? I think that's the best proof you can have in history: The word
Beck>of them that have seen it.

I am assuming the three hundred you wrote of, are actually the five hundred
Paul wrote of in the I Corinthians 15:6. If indeed this is what you were
referring to, does anyone know who these people were, if they themselves
testified to the claim, or are we just to take Paul's word for it?

-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------    Stephen Gooch                                        770.903.6778 || 602.891.2300 || 800.388.6242*2300