JT>pdd@gcc.cc.md.us wrote:
JT>> Darwin wrote to Dr. Asa Gray on July 20, 1856...
JT>> "Either species have been independently created, or they have descended
JT>> from other species, like varieties from one species. I think it can be
JT>> shown to be probable that man gets his most distinct varieties by
JT>> preserving such as arise best worth keeping and destroying the others,
JT>> but I should fill a quire if I were to go on. To be brief I ASSUME that
JT>> species arise like our domestic varieties with MUCH extinction"
JT>> (emphasis added to show premise)
JT>> and
JT>> "For to my mind to say the species were created so and so is no
JT>> scientific explanation but a prescient way of saying it is so and so."
JT>> By 1856 Darwin had rejected his faith, and his premise, his assumption,
JT>> was that God did not create but that species arise from prior species
JT>> with much extinction. His degree from Christ's College was moot by that
JT>> time.
JT>> Darwin's evolution was built on a fundamantal assumption that he could
JT>> not prove. That assumption continues to this day even though his theory
JT>> has been replaced by new explanations.
JT>> Some call this brilliant.
JT>> Paul Durham--
JT>* John B. Tant http://wwwp.exis.net/~jtant jtant@exis.net *
JT>* *
JT>* Alan Keyes for President `96! *
JT>* http://sandh.com/keyes/index.html *
JT>* *
JT>* The opinions I express are my own, not my employer's *
JT>* http://pages.prodigy.com/VA/n4xan/stonebridge.html *
"Science in Nineteenth Century America, A Documentary History"
Edited by Nathan Reingold
from the Gray Papers, Harvard University
Hill and Wang Publishers, New York, 1964
page 187
send me your address and I will mail you a copy
to: IN:jtant@exis.net
cc: IN:evolution@calvin.edu