Re: Does TE pollute Christianity?
25 Aug 1996 17:08:48 EDT

WH>Neal K. Roys quoted Goodwin:
WH>>>1. Humanity is born in sin; we have a base inheritance.
WH>>>2. Humanity is therefore condemned to a life of conflict and
WH>>>3. Perpetual toil.
WH>>>4. By faith and moral effort humanity can be saved from its fallen,
WH>>> selfish state.
WH>>=========================end Goodwin==================

Just a quick comment on this thought...

Irregardless of our preference, TE, YEC, OEC, PC, we all need to watch
the emerging notion that mankind will somehow evolve out of our "base"
nature. This idea is the inevitable result of evolutionary reasoning in
the absence of Faith. It is often being fed up as an alternative to
Christianity, especially in humanistic circles.

I have often seen comments on this reflector alluding to the evolution
of our "humanness", our psyche, awareness, and culture, as if the soul
(defined as our mind, will, and emotions) of man has somehow evolved.
The logical conclusions are dangerous and scary.... especially when I
see as the state of mankind today, and if it really is the result of
God-controlled evolution.

I pray that the threshold of acceptance for it will remain high, and
that the alternative conclusion that we are specially created in the
image of God will continue to be boldly professed.

