Re: Morris, the Geologic Column, and Compromise

Thomas L Moore (mooret@GAS.UUG.Arizona.EDU)
Sun, 25 Aug 1996 09:56:49 -0700 (MST)


> Incidentally, placing the flood/post-flood boundary at the K-T boundary
> would have some interesting implications...

It certainly does - but in the YEC world, it gives them data they can
work with to look more like scientists, except they compress the time

> - Dinosaurs died in the flood. This is the opposite of what other YECs
> like Ken Ham and Gary Parker claim (that dinos rode the ark).

YEC answer - Yep, there was at least one pair on the ark (to them that's all
that's needed). Unfortunately, they couldn't survive the post-flood

> - All of the large extinct Tertiary-Pleistocene mammals (most people don't
> realize how many existed) somehow developed after the flood (no earlier
> fossils) and then experienced the mother of all explosive evolutionary
> radiations.

YEC answer - post-flood microevolution

> - That leaves a period of time of mild climate between the flood (which
> is represented by Tertiary flora and fauna) and the great ice ages of
> the Pleistocene. I was under the impression that YECs called for ice
> ages immediately after the flood.

YEC answer - It wasn't a mild climate. It was a rapidly cooling climate
with extremely high precip rates in polar regions - and the ice age (ONE)
started right away

> In other words, they have a lot of work to do before they should have the
> gall to call this stuff "science."

YEC's always have answers for any question we can pose and make them
sound scientific, which is why people believe them.
