C-NEWS: EnviroScan newsletter update

23 Jul 1996 21:27:12 EDT

This is a partial forward from another listserver and thought it might
be of interest to those on this list.


RS>A number of pages have been added to the EnviroScan web site. They are:

RS>4. Human body harbors carcinogens. Guess what? Mother nature put
RS>carcinogens in your cells.

RS>EnviroScan's web address is http://www.hookup.net/~rsirvine. EnviroScan
RS>originates in Guelph, Ontario, Canada, and has readers around the world.

RS>EnviroScan (tm)
RS>What environmentalists don't tell you (tm)
RS>A critical and politically incorrect looks at the environmental movement (tm

RS>Ross Irvine