Re: Christ and Creation

Fri, 19 Jul 1996 11:48:20 -0400 (EDT)

While discussing with Glenn whether or not the Bible "teaches evolution,"
Steve let this one slip past:

SJ> ... Apart from the fact that
> the scientific understanding of evolution is that it is a mindless,
> purposeless, materialistic natural process:
> [G.G. Simpson quote snipped]

Steve my friend, I wouldn't let an atheist get away with that one, so I'm
sure not going to let you do so.

Philosophical scientISM (materialism) teaches that evolution is a
mindless, purposeless process.

Some scientISTS understand evolution as a mindless, purposeless process.

Some people CLAIM that science teaches that evolution is a mindless,
purposeless process.

| |

(Sorry, I'm not yelling at anyone in particular. I'm yelling for
catharsis. :-)

The scientific understanding of evolution is that it is a stochastic
process in which events which are not caused by the organisms in question
can affect their survival and/or their genetic information. But as we
theists (and a few atheists) know, that is NOT necessarily the same as
being a mindless, purposeless process. (Proberbs 16:33 again.)

Is this an important distinction? You better believe it is! I feel
strongly that this point needs to be made over and over and over and over,
in as many forums as possible. Can you tell? :-)

We now return to my mild-mannered self.

"I wonder if your feelings |
on this matter are clear...." | Loren Haarsma
--the Emperor (_Return_of_the_Jedi_) |