re: Interest in Evolution

Glenn Morton (
Tue, 16 Jul 1996 21:44:57


>I agree that "radiation" is a bit vague. The defintion is Ramm's and
>he does not expand on it. I have posted this quote many times and no
>one before you has said they don't understand it! :-) The word
>"radiation" is probably used in its original sense of "root", hence
>Ramm's use of "root-species". Ramm would regard the "vertical
>radiation" as the origin of that root-species.

Would this mean that a dog-kind gave rise to all the dog like beings?
Like coyotes, foxes, jackals, hyaenas etc?

Would this mean that a horse-kind gave rise to all the horse like beings?
Like zebras, donkeys, kulans, onagers etc?

Foundation,Fall and Flood