Re: Of PhDs, priests and logic

Glenn Morton (
Mon, 10 Jun 1996 21:16:44

Stephen wrote:

>For newcomers, what I did (from memory) was to cease debating
>directly with Glenn because of the increasingly nasty tone of his
>messages to me.

I think I was the first one Stephen did this to.

>GM>Grow up; be a man; and realize that if you want to say things
>>that represent a minority position or speak to things outside of
>>your field of expertise, you can expect others to challenge you.
>Glenn and I obviously have different concepts on what makes a "man".
>I think it is more manly to refrain from ad hominem comments than to
>make them.
>I have no problem with others challenging me. After all, if I did, I
>wouldn't be here! :-) I don't even have a problem with ad hominem
>comments from the likes of Glenn, Denis and Brian.

I don't believe this. If you had no problem then answer directly.

>These days they
>are like water off a duck's back..

I noticed.

>That is, I am concerned that by direct dialogue with Glenn, Denis and
>Brian, I might be causing them to sin.

My you are quite powerful to control my sinning. I didn't know you were
so forceful. Brian, Denis and I are responsible for our sins not you.

>Another concern I have is
>that I might sin against them by retaliating in kind. If I respond to
>their messages in the third person, to the Group, this danger is
>minimised, and yet we can discuss the *issues*.

Then don't respond at all.

>Well, it wouldn't have been, if Glenn had learned in the interim, not
>to make personal attacks against those who disagree with him. But it
>seems he hasn't, so the "silent treatment" is still on.

Our disagreement was not what elicited my message. I learned in the
interim that only those who are unsure of their position run from the
fight. I saw someone who chooses to be silly rather than maybe re-think
his position.

>GM>This may be harsh for my first post after resubscribing to the
>>reflector but you need to hear this and quit acting like a child.
>I am glad for Glenn's sake he realises that his post is "harsh".
>Perhaps he will return to calm, reasoned arguments? Until he does,
>as with Denis and Brian, I will not debate directly with him, but
>will address any comments I have on his posts to the Group.

I see you haven't changed either Stephen. And I was prophetic. I
correctly prophesied that you would renew your shunning of me. So
predictable. I will drop this now and go to "calm,reasoned argument".

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