John W. Burgeson (
21 May 96 18:17:55 EDT

To Jim (Bell) & Chuck:

Concerning your last comments/inquiry on the ACLU's goals & objectives, these
can now be researched at their new web site:

There is a "Constitution Hall" forum (keyword ACLU) on America Online.

A catalog (free) of ACLU literature may be ordered by calling (also free)

Apparently the ACLU's current efforts are being devoted to a challenge of
the "Communications Decency Act." This act criminalizes electronic speech which
would be legal in printed form. The case is referred to as "ACLU v Reno" and is
joined in by 19 other plaintiffs.

I suggest that their web page is a much better place to find out what their
goals are than an unattributed quotation in an LA newspaper.

Burgy (ACLU member)