Re: Regarding Henry

Jim Bell (
14 May 96 17:24:08 EDT

I wrote:

>As I thought about it, it seems only a firmly naturalistic mindset would have

>trouble with this. But we must examine our biases carefully before reaching
>conclusions. And rather than labelling Morris's idea as far out, we should
>approach it theologically and openly.
>Taking the hypothesis as presented by Morris, I find it imaginative and
>intriguing, with no great theological flaw, or flaw in logic.

And Steve Clark responded:

>I'm glad things are so clear for you realists. When some young Christian
>tells me in all earnestness (without any disclaimer) that evolution has its
>roots in Babylonian paganism, I will have him give you a call.

Great. I always enjoy talking to students whose minds have not been closed by
naturalism or modernism, and who have a high view of Scripture.
