I was wondering how TE's view scripture (not doctrinal confessions) as
this is very pertinent to their explanation regarding origins. Is the
Bible God's inerrant and inspired written message/revelation to mankind?
In TE an assumption is made that the God of the Bible exists, and this
assumption necessarily comes from revelation in scripture. But, if TE
asserts that scripture can be in error in part, then it may be in error
as a whole, and the assumption of the God of the Bible logically
becomes fundamentally flawed. If the existence of God is therefore
suspect, does it not follow that theistic evolution is also?
However, if scripture is always inerrant in part, then it is inerrant
as a whole, and the God of the Bible is real. Since the existence of
God is then not suspect, and scripture is not suspect, then by reason
the Biblical references to God's acts of creation are valid and true.
One's perspective on the reality, inerrancy, and inspiration of
scripture results in a different set of assumptions regarding origins.
In addition to this, as Steve mentioned, there flows a whole new
theology regarding mankind's destiny and salvation if the Bible is not
the true inspired Word of God in its totality.
"As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." Proverbs 27:17"
Paul Durham pdd@gcc.cc.md.us
Oakland, Maryland