Maybe he did--maybe he didn't. It's an open question and so I'm completely
open to scientific theories that don't appeal to divine intervention that
attempt to explain the origin of life. But if he didn't *intervene*, he
was still in absolute control of the process through his providential
governance of the world. It happened exactly when, where, and how He wanted
it to. It was designed by him for His purpose. It could not have
originated without God (nothing happens apart from God's sustaining and
governing power).
This is one reason by I am dumbfounded by Steve's claim that if the origin
of life is shown to have occurred apart from some miracle that the
Christian faith would crumble. Unbelievers WILL suppress the truth--they
used Newtonian physics and atomism to deny a role for God. But coming to a
scientific understanding of how God governs/governed does not in the least
remove him from the picture. Steve, Phil Johnson and many others confuse
the reality of the situation from the perspective from the unbelieving
Terry M. Gray, Ph.D. Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Calvin College 3201 Burton SE Grand Rapids, MI 40546
Office: (616) 957-7187 FAX: (616) 957-6501
*This mission critical message was written on a Macintosh with Eudora Pro*