God's Intervention

3 May 1996 20:34:32 EDT

Following up on Dennis's post...

>As a theist, I believe such laws are human descriptions of God's typical
>method of upholding and sustaining the universe.

meaning, and this gives us order and hope (i.e. the whole history of
creation is moving exactly as our omnipotent God intends it).

>Since all is contingent on His will, who are we to second-guess what
>He does and does not explain?

Our fault all too often lies in only defining and describing the
mechanism or observations, and not its meaning. Meaning only comes
through the integration of the various disciplines (philosophy,
theology, history, etc.) with science. When these are ignored, meaning
is too ignored, or simply denied, in modern man's quest for scientific
"knowledge". Knowledge, too some, all too often then becomes a
counterfeit of meaning.

That is why atheistic explanations for origins and man's existence lack
credibility with many people of faith, who fail to find meaning and
purpose in it.

Paul Durham