What do I do?

John W. Burgeson (73531.1501@compuserve.com)
02 May 96 14:27:14 EDT

Steve wrote, in response to my question "What do I do now that I've accepted the
TR position as a scientist?"

"The first thing you would do is acknowledge the possibility (even
probability) that an Intelligent Designer created the cosmos, life and
life's major groups, and you would be aware of this when framing
your hypotheses re *origins*. It should then help in avoiding false
trails, eg. investigator interference in origin of life experiments,..."

I must be dense or something, but all the above tells me to do is differentiate
more carefully between science & metaphysics. We already agree (most of us) that
this needs to be done by many!

I'm still standing here in my lab, waiting for you to tell me what to do
differently. I don't think there is a rational answer to that question, and,
therefore, I think TR in science is simply nonsense.
