Re: Old Earth

Stephen Jones (
Sun, 24 Mar 96 06:54:08 EST


On Thu, 14 Mar 1996 09:36:16 -0500 you wrote:

>At 12:01 AM 3/14/96 -0600, Steven Schimmrich wrote:
SS>In theory, as a Christian I have no problem with God intervening in
>miraculous ways. I am however, uncomfortable with God doing so and then
>making it look very convincingly as if He didn't. No offense, but it's
>been my experience that most people I meet who believe in a young earth
>have never studied geology or gone out to look at rocks. What I, as a
>Christian geologist, would love to do is find a geologist who believes in
>a young earth. The only one I know of is Steve Austin at the ICR and I've
>never had the pleasure of speaking with him (I'd love to take him up on
>some of his comments in "Grand Canyon: Monument to Catastrophy")!

BH>I can't resist this. Last week I had the pleasure of seeing Grand
>Canyon for the first time in my life. I'm no geologist, and I
>didn't look at all the layers of sediment up close (couldn't in just
>a couple days), but even to my uneducated eyes, the fine,
>sharply-defined layers did not look like what I would expect to be
>laid down by the turbulent waters of a flood.

The problem for global Flood advocates is that there would have to be
Grand Canyons all over the world. Indeed, the whole world should be
one big Grand Canyon!

If Tony is interested in a Biblical alternative to a global Flood, I
suggest he read Bernard Ramm's arguments for a local Flood in "The
Christian View of Science", 1955.

God bless


| Stephen Jones ,--_|\ |
| 3 Hawker Ave / Oz \ |
| Warwick 6024 ->*_,--\_/ phone +61 9 448 7439. (These are |
| Perth, Australia v my opinions, not my employer's) |