Re: Hello! cont.

Tony Jester (
Fri, 22 Mar 1996 22:53:15 GMT

To Jim Foley


JF>I will be happy to grab a few articles addressing some of your

Of course I accept your offer, Jim. I do have quite a collection
of books in my home library written by "progressive evolutionists"
and I find their arguments unconvincing in light of Scripture. But
I am supposed to be a man who is only interested in what is true,
so therefore I of course must always be willing, considering the
sourse, to look at any evidence which might be contrary to my
current beliefs.

Be that as it may, I am still very interested in my original
question. Let me restate it more accurately.

Though I originally asked for the evidence that Christians trained
in geology use to "prove" an old earth,

What I really meant to ask, more specifically is:

what is the evidence they (Christians trained in geology)
use to "prove" that the sedimentary layers of the geologic
column were deposited over millions of years - and why
couldn't these layers have been deposited by the Noaic flood?

I guess it's obvious that I believe they were deposited by the
flood, but I want to know, from a Christian trained in geology, is
why this could not have been so.

Any help here would be greatly appreciated.
