Re: Dean Kenyon (was Darwinist Macro-Evolution)

Stephen Jones (
Fri, 09 Feb 96 05:36:04 EST


On Wed, 7 Feb 1996 08:22:57 -0500 you wrote:


BH>I hear frequent complaints from Christians attending state
>that some professors use their classrooms to indoctrinate students with
>their particular slant on women's issues, lesbianism, pro-abortion and a
>variety of other highly political issues.

But seemingly the only topic that warrants suspension is theism. This
despite (or because of?) the fact that the majority of citizens
believe it
in some form.

BH>They resent spending their
>tuition dollars for irrelevant political detours also. My reaction is
>that all of us ought to put more pressure on our public universities to
>teach what they were chartered to teach.

Agreed. But why should they be "chartered to teach" only a
philosophy of *origins*?

It is at least possible (if not highly probable) that the cosmos and
are the result of Intelligent Design. Why is Dean Kenyon not allowed
to suggest that as an alternative?

God bless.


| Stephen Jones ,--_|\ |
| 3 Hawker Ave / Oz \ |
| Warwick 6024 ->*_,--\_/ phone +61 9 448 7439. (These are |
| Perth, Australia v my opinions, not my employer's) |