Re: Dean Kenyon (was Darwinist Macro-Evolution)
Tue, 6 Feb 96 16:53:01 MST

>>>>> On Wed, 07 Feb 96 06:47:34 EST, (Stephen
>>>>> Jones) said:

>> I realised Kenyon did not lose his job, but he did lose his "post",
>> ie. his teaching post. That's what I meant.

OK. But even saying he lost his teaching post overstates it somewhat.
He was removed from that one class only, and continued to teach other

JF>because he had been teaching
>bogus young-earth arguments, and also arguing against abortion.

>> What evidence do you have for that? I understood that the substantive
>> charge against Kenyon was that he taught ID:

The letter from John Hafernik, which I have since posted in its

>> I suspect students get a lot of pro-abortion and extra evolutionist
>> material in classes.

Pro-abortion: I hope not. I think arguments on either side are out of
line, and irrelevant, in a biology class. Also a bad idea; whatever you
say, you're unlikely to change any minds, but very likely to tick people

Extra evolutionist material: Sure. Like it or not, evolution is the
cornerstone of modern biology. It'd be remiss not to teach it in a
biology class.

>> But even if Kenyon did give the case for YEC (I understand he is not
>> personally a YEC) and anti-abortion, is that a good reason to deprive
>> a senior Professor of his teaching post?

If he is not a YEC, why introduce young-earth arguments into a biology
class? He also wrote the foreword for "What is Creation Science", by
Henry Morris and Gary Parker. I would be surprised if Henry Morris let
an old-earther write a foreword in his book, given how strongly he feels
about YEC. I don't know that Kenyon's a YEC, but I consider it probable.

>> BTW, Dean Kenyon used to be a Reflectorite. I have his email address.
>> Would you agree for me to forward your assertion:

>> "He (Kenyon) did not lose his post, he was only suspended from
>> teaching an introductory biology course for non-majors because he had
>> been teaching bogus young-earth arguments, and also arguing against
>> abortion. In my opinion the suspension was justified; if I was a
>> student paying good money for tuition, I'd be decidedly unhappy if I
>> got that in lectures."

>> to him for comment?

Certainly. Since it was a public posting, I don't think you're even
obligated to ask, but thanks anyway.

-- Jim Foley                         Symbios Logic, Fort Collins,                        (970) 223-5100 x9765  I've got a plan so cunning you could put a tail on it and call  it a weasel.      -- Edmund Blackadder